art by gatchmon

elliott / louie

transmasc furry with his head in the clouds.
i'm always down for making buds so don't be shy!

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25 | he/him, nim/nimbus

i'm just a soft cloud boy who likes edgy aesthetics and cute things. i'm in constant confliction of myself. when i'm not daydreaming my free time is typically spent musing over my characters, listening to chaotic music, or playing video games.

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alice in chains
will wood
lemon demon
pearl jam
system of a down
tally hall

path of exile
diablo 2
animal crossing
dragon quest
stardew valley
fire emblem
& more

natal chart
cancer ☉
taurus ☽
sagittarius ↑

personality types
istp-t | 9w8

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side note:
i don't wanna make this note cause it's not something i'm proud of, but it's something that's been a bit of a problem for me.

i don't catch on as fast as the average person, and i'm very poor at explaining things. i am trying my best though! but if i need you to explain something to me that seems simple, please be patient with me. and if i explain something through images/art rather than words i hope you can understand! i promise i'm not being rude, it's the best way for me to communicate at times.

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byf / dni...

byf (before you follow) | dni (do not interact) | dnfi (do not follow if)

dnfi - basic criteria applies (homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, zoophile, pedophile, trump supporter, neo-nazi, etc.)

i do my best to keep my timeline sfw, with that being said i won't follow back if you are a nsfw account. if you post a lot of irl porn i will block you, it's a personal preference that i don't like to see.

i struggle with my own slew of mental disorders (adhd, manic depression, anxiety, ptsd, etc) and i'm sensitive to content with drug mentions, loss of parents, and animal abuse. please be aware i may unfollow at any time for these reasons.

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thanks for reading! you are great.

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